Comparisons Wiki

Lazy vs. Active: Difference and Comparison

Edited by Muazma Batool — By Muneeza Rehman — Updated on September 25, 2023
Lazy refers to a lack of energy or unwillingness to work, while active denotes being engaged or energetic in tasks and activities.
Lazy vs. Active

Difference Between Lazy and Active

Lazy and active are contrasting terms often used to describe the energy levels or involvement of individuals in tasks. The word "lazy" is typically used to indicate an unwillingness to exert oneself or a lack of enthusiasm toward doing something. Such a description may apply to someone who avoids tasks, postpones responsibilities, or simply prefers rest over action.
Muneeza Rehman
Sep 25, 2023
On the contrary, "active" portrays a sense of energy and involvement. An active person is often seen as one who is engaged, dynamic, and regularly participating in various tasks or activities. Whether it's physical, mental, or social, being active implies a level of enthusiasm and commitment.
Muazma Batool
Sep 25, 2023
Interestingly, the perception of being lazy or active can be subjective. What might seem like a lazy day to one could be a much-needed rest day to another. Similarly, what one person considers an active day might be a regular day for someone else. It's important to remember that these terms, while descriptive, can be relative based on individual perspectives.
Muneeza Rehman
Sep 25, 2023
Moreover, both lazy and active states can be temporary or habitual. A person might feel lazy one day due to fatigue but be active the next. Similarly, someone usually active might have lazy moments when they want to relax or recharge. Life's demands and personal choices often dictate how we oscillate between these states.
Muneeza Rehman
Sep 25, 2023

Lazy vs. Active Comparison Chart

Primary Meaning

Unwillingness to work or exert oneself.
Engaged or energetic in tasks and activities.
Muneeza Rehman
Sep 25, 2023


Lack of energy or motivation.
High energy and motivation.
Muazma Batool
Sep 25, 2023


Passive, resting.
Dynamic, participating.
Muneeza Rehman
Sep 25, 2023


Often seen as negative.
Usually seen as positive.
Sep 25, 2023


Can be temporary or habitual.
Can be temporary or continuous.
Muneeza Rehman
Sep 25, 2023

Lazy vs. Active Definitions


Lacking determination or enthusiasm.
Her lazy attitude toward her assignments concerned her teachers.
Muazma Batool
Sep 25, 2023


Working; operative.
The volcano is still active.
Sep 25, 2023


Causing little or no physical exertion.
It was a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Sep 25, 2023


Characterized by lively activity.
The playground was active with children laughing and playing.
Sep 25, 2023


Slow-moving or stagnant.
The lazy river flowed gently.
Sep 25, 2023


Involving physical effort and movement.
He leads an active lifestyle with regular workouts.
Sep 25, 2023


Not willing to work or be energetic.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Currently in effect or use.
His membership is still active.
Muazma Batool
Sep 25, 2023


Slow-moving; sluggish
a lazy river.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Being in physical motion
active fish in the aquarium.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Conducive to inactivity or indolence
a lazy summer day.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Functioning or capable of functioning.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Depicted as reclining or lying on its side. Used of a brand on livestock.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Marked by energetic activity; busy
active stock and bond markets.
spent an active day sightseeing.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Unwilling to do work or make an effort; disinclined to exertion.
Get out of bed, you lazy lout!
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Involving or requiring physical exertion and energy
an active workout at the gym.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Causing or characterised by idleness; relaxed or leisurely.
I love staying inside and reading on a lazy Sunday.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Being in a state of action; not quiescent
active hostilities along the border.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Showing a lack of effort or care.
lazy writing
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Erupting or liable to erupt; not dormant
an active volcano.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Sluggish; slow-moving.
We strolled along beside a lazy stream.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Marked by or involving direct participation
took an active interest in politics.
played an active role on the committee.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Currently in use or effect
an active membership.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


a lazy-eared rabbit
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Openly acknowledged or expressed
an active dislike of the new neighbors.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


(optometry) Of an eye, squinting because of a weakness of the eye muscles.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Producing an intended action or effect
active ingredients.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Turned so that (the letter) is horizontal instead of vertical.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Indicating that the grammatical subject of a verb is performing or causing the action expressed. Used of a verb form or voice.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


(comptheory) Employing lazy evaluation; not calculating results until they are immediately required.
a lazy algorithm
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Expressing action rather than a state of being. Used of verbs such as run, speak, and move.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Wicked; vicious.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Of or relating to the management of an investment portfolio by continually making investment decisions based on new information as opposed to maintaining a predetermined strategy or reproducing the returns of a market or index.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


(informal) To laze, act in a lazy manner.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Being a source of electrical energy, as a generator.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


A lazy person.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Capable of converting or amplifying voltages or currents, as a diode or transistor.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


(obsolete) Sloth (animal).
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Being on full military duty and receiving full pay.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Disinclined to action or exertion; averse to labor; idle; shirking work.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


The active voice.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Inactive; slothful; slow; sluggish; as, a lazy stream.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


A construction or form in the active voice.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Wicked; vicious.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


A participating member of an organization
union actives.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


moving slowly and gently;
up a lazy river
lazy white clouds
at a lazy pace
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Having the power or quality of acting; causing change; communicating action or motion; acting;—opposed to passive, that receives.
certain active principles
the active powers of the mind
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


disinclined to work or exertion;
faineant kings under whose rule the country languished
an indolent hanger-on
too lazy to wash the dishes
shiftless idle youth
slothful employees
the unemployed are not necessarily work-shy
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Quick in physical movement; of an agile and vigorous body; nimble.
an active child or animal
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Unwilling to work or use energy.
He was too lazy to get up and turn off the light.
Sep 25, 2023


In action; actually proceeding; working; in force
active laws
active hostilities
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Designed for ease and comfort.
He enjoyed a lazy chair that reclined.
Sep 25, 2023


Emitting hot materials, such as lava, smoke, or steam, or producing tremors.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Given to action; constantly engaged in action; energetic; diligent; busy
an active man of business
active mind
active zeal
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Requiring or implying action or exertion
active employment or service
active scenes
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Given to action rather than contemplation; practical; operative
an active rather than a speculative statesman
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Brisk; lively.
an active demand for corn
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Implying or producing rapid action.
an active disease
an active remedy
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


About verbs.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Applied to a form of the verb; — opposed to passive. See active voice.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Applied to verbs which assert that the subject acts upon or affects something else; transitive.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Applied to all verbs that express action as distinct from mere existence or state.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Eligible to be processed by a compiler or interpreter.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


(electronics) Not passive.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


(gay sexual slang) of a homosexual man enjoying a role in anal sex in which he penetrates, rather than being penetrated by his partner.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


A person or thing that is acting or capable of acting.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


(electronics) Any component that is not passive. See Passivity (engineering).
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Having the power or quality of acting; causing change; communicating action or motion; acting; - opposed to passive, that receives; as, certain active principles; the powers of the mind.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Quick in physical movement; of an agile and vigorous body; nimble; as, an active child or animal.
Active and nervous was his gait.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


In action; actually proceeding; working; in force; - opposed to quiescent, dormant, or extinct; as, active laws; active hostilities; an active volcano.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Given to action; constantly engaged in action; energetic; diligent; busy; - opposed to dull, sluggish, indolent, or inert; as, an active man of business; active mind; active zeal.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Requiring or implying action or exertion; - opposed to sedentary or to tranquil; as, active employment or service; active scenes.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Given to action rather than contemplation; practical; operative; - opposed to speculative or theoretical; as, an active rather than a speculative statesman.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Brisk; lively; as, an active demand for corn.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Implying or producing rapid action; as, an active disease; an active remedy.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Applied to a form of the verb; - opposed to passive. See Active voice, under Voice.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


chemical agent capable of activity
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


the voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is performing the action or causing the happening denoted by the verb;
`The boy threw the ball' uses the active voice
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


a person devoted to the active life
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


tending to become more severe or wider in scope;
active tuberculosis
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


engaged in or ready for military or naval operations;
on active duty
the platoon is combat-ready
review the fighting forces
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


disposed to take action or effectuate change;
a director who takes an active interest in corporate operations
an active antagonism
he was active in drawing attention to their grievances
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


taking part in an activity;
an active member of the club
he was politically active
the participating organizations
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


characterized by energetic activity;
an active toddler
active as a gazelle
an active man is a man of action
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


exerting influence or producing an effect;
an active ingredient
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


full of activity or engaged in continuous activity;
an active seaport
an active bond market
an active account
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


in operation;
keep hope alive
the tradition was still alive
an active tradition
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


of the sun; characterized by a high level activity in sunspots and flares and radio emissions
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


expressing that the subject of the sentence has the semantic function of actor:
Hemingway favors active constructions
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


expressing action rather than a state of being; used of verbs (e.g. `to run') and participial adjectives (e.g. `running' in `running water')
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


(of e.g. volcanos) erupting or liable to erupt;
active volcanos
an extinct volcano
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


producing activity or change
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


engaged in full-time work;
active duty
though past retirement age he is still active in his profession
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


being in physical motion;
active fish in the aquarium
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


characterized by energetic bodily activity;
tennis is an active sport
a very physical dance performance
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Engaged in action or activity.
She remained active in community service throughout her life.
Sep 25, 2023

Lazy vs. Active Frequently Asked Questions

Is being lazy always negative?

While often perceived negatively, taking lazy moments can be beneficial for rest and rejuvenation.
Muneeza Rehman
Sep 25, 2023

What are active hobbies?

Active hobbies can include sports, dancing, hiking, and other activities that involve physical movement.
Sep 25, 2023

How is active defined?

Active denotes being energetically engaged in tasks or having a lively participation in activities.
Muneeza Rehman
Sep 25, 2023

What does lazy mean?

Lazy refers to an unwillingness to exert oneself or a lack of enthusiasm to do something.
Muneeza Rehman
Sep 25, 2023

How can one transition from feeling lazy to being active?

Setting small goals, building a routine, and finding motivation can help transition from a lazy state to an active one.
Muneeza Rehman
Sep 25, 2023

Can someone be both lazy and active?

Yes, individuals can have moments of laziness and activity based on circumstances and choices.
Muazma Batool
Sep 25, 2023

Are there health risks associated with being too lazy?

Excessive laziness can lead to sedentary habits, potentially increasing risks for various health issues.
Muneeza Rehman
Sep 25, 2023

Is an active lifestyle beneficial?

An active lifestyle is often associated with physical, mental, and emotional health benefits.
Muneeza Rehman
Sep 25, 2023

Can a person be active mentally but lazy physically?

Yes, someone can be mentally engaged, like in reading or problem-solving, but may not be physically active.
Sep 25, 2023

How can one encourage a lazy person to be more active?

Through motivation, understanding their interests, and setting achievable goals, one can encourage increased activity.
Sep 25, 2023

Content Creators

Written by
Muneeza Rehman
At, Muneeza skillfully navigates the vast sea of information, ensuring clarity and accuracy as the lead content editor. With a keen eye for detail, she curates every comparison to enlighten and engage readers.
Edited by
Muazma Batool
As a content editor, Muazma Batool is not just a grammar guru but a creative mastermind who breathes life into every word. With an eagle eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, she transforms bland text into engaging content that captivates audiences and drives results.

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