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Retainment vs. Retention: Difference and Comparison

By Muazma Batool & Muneeza Rehman — Published on July 7, 2024
Retainment is a less common term that refers to the act of keeping or holding something, whereas retention is a widely used term signifying the ability to keep, maintain, or remember something or someone.
Retainment vs. Retention

Difference Between Retainment and Retention

Retainment, although infrequently used, implies the act or condition of keeping or holding onto something, similar to retention but with less usage in professional or academic contexts. Retention, on the other hand, is a commonly utilized term across various fields such as human resources, education, and psychology, referring to the capacity to maintain possession or memory of information.
Muazma Batool
Jul 07, 2024
In the context of human resources, retention refers to the strategies and practices organizations use to prevent employee turnover and keep valuable staff members. Conversely, retainment is seldom used in this professional domain and may sound incorrect or outdated in such discussions.
Muazma Batool
Jul 07, 2024
In educational settings, retention can describe a student’s ability to remember and apply learned information over time. Retainment is not typically used in educational literature or discussions, making retention the preferred term for describing cognitive holding capacities.
Muazma Batool
Jul 07, 2024
Psychologically, retention is crucial for describing memory and the mental processes involved in storing and recalling information. Retainment does not commonly appear in psychological discussions and might be considered a linguistic variant or error when used in place of retention.
Jul 07, 2024
Although both terms share a root and a core meaning related to keeping or holding, retention is the preferred and more accurate term in almost all professional, academic, and everyday contexts due to its established usage and recognition.
Jul 07, 2024

Retainment vs. Retention Comparison Chart

Common Usage

Rare, less formal
Widely used across various fields
Muazma Batool
Jul 07, 2024


General keeping or holding
Employee retention, memory, fluid dynamics
Muazma Batool
Jul 07, 2024

Professional Use

Seldom used professionally
Common in HR, education, psychology
Muazma Batool
Jul 07, 2024

Linguistic Accuracy

Often considered incorrect or outdated
Correct and preferred term
Jul 07, 2024


"The retainment of old receipts can be cumbersome."
"The company's retention strategies reduced turnover."
Jul 07, 2024

Retainment vs. Retention Definitions


Holding onto something or someone.
The retainment of traditional practices is important in their culture.
Apr 29, 2024


The ability to keep something in one's memory.
Her retention of complex formulas was impressive.
Muazma Batool
Apr 29, 2024


The act of keeping something in possession.
His retainment of the old car seemed impractical due to its high maintenance costs.
Apr 29, 2024


The act or power of remembering things.
Students with good retention succeed in exams.
Apr 29, 2024


The condition of being kept.
The retainment of water in soil helps plants grow.
Muazma Batool
Apr 29, 2024


In medicine, the involuntary holding of bodily fluids or substances.
Urinary retention can be a serious medical condition.
Apr 29, 2024


Keeping something intact or in place.
The retainment of these files is essential for the audit.
Apr 29, 2024


Keeping someone or something from leaving.
The retention of skilled workers is critical for the company's success.
Apr 29, 2024


To keep possession of; continue to have
The family sold the house but retained the land.
Muazma Batool
Apr 27, 2024


The act of retaining or the condition of being retained
The retention of nutrients in the soil.
The retention of jobs in the city.
Muazma Batool
Apr 27, 2024


To keep in a particular place or condition
A library that retains the author's papers.
Plants that retain a lot of water.
Muazma Batool
Apr 27, 2024


The practice of requiring a student to repeat a class or a year of school because of insufficient educational progress to advance.
Muazma Batool
Apr 27, 2024


To continue to have as a feature or aspect
Retains his good humor after all the setbacks.
Muazma Batool
Apr 27, 2024


The ability to recall or recognize what has been learned or experienced; memory.
Muazma Batool
Apr 27, 2024


To keep in mind; remember
Retains the songs she learned in childhood.
Apr 27, 2024


The inability of a person or animal to eliminate a bodily waste.
Muazma Batool
Apr 27, 2024


To require (a student) to repeat a class or grade because of insufficient educational progress to advance.
Apr 27, 2024


The act of retaining or something retained
Apr 27, 2024


To keep in one's service or pay
Retain employees on a workforce.
Muazma Batool
Apr 27, 2024


The act or power of remembering things
Muazma Batool
Apr 27, 2024


To hire (an attorney, for example) by the payment of a fee.
Muazma Batool
Apr 27, 2024


A memory; what is retained in the mind
Muazma Batool
Apr 27, 2024


To hire a person for (that person's services)
Retained the best legal advice available.
Apr 27, 2024


(medicine) The involuntary withholding of urine and faeces
Apr 27, 2024


Apr 27, 2024


(medicine) The length of time an individual remains in treatment
Muazma Batool
Apr 27, 2024


The act of retaining; retention.
Apr 27, 2024


(obsolete) That which contains something, as a tablet; a means of preserving impressions.
Muazma Batool
Apr 27, 2024


Act of retaining.
The museum’s retainment of artifacts ensures historical preservation.
Apr 29, 2024


(obsolete) The act of withholding; restraint; reserve.
Apr 27, 2024


(obsolete) A place of custody or confinement.
Apr 27, 2024


(legal) The right to withhold a debt, or of retaining property until a debt due to the person claiming the right is duly paid; a lien.
Muazma Batool
Apr 27, 2024


(insurance) The portion of a potential damange that must be paid for by the holder of an insurance policy.
Muazma Batool
Apr 27, 2024


The act of retaining, or the state of being ratined.
Muazma Batool
Apr 27, 2024


The power of retaining; retentiveness.
No woman's heartSo big, to hold so much; they lack retention.
Apr 27, 2024


That which contains something, as a tablet; a of preserving impressions.
Apr 27, 2024


The act of withholding; retraint; reserve.
Apr 27, 2024


Place of custody or confinement.
Apr 27, 2024


The right of withholding a debt, or of retaining property until a debt due to the person claiming the right be duly paid; a lien.
Apr 27, 2024


The act of keeping in your possession
Muazma Batool
Apr 27, 2024


The power of retaining and recalling past experience;
He had a good memory when he was younger
Muazma Batool
Apr 27, 2024


The power of retaining liquid;
Moisture retentivity of soil
Apr 27, 2024


In business, practices to maintain customer or employee presence.
Customer retention strategies have boosted our sales.
Muazma Batool
Apr 29, 2024

Retainment vs. Retention Frequently Asked Questions

What does retention mean in a business context?

In business, retention refers to the ability of a company to retain its employees or customers, preventing them from leaving to competitors.
Muazma Batool
Jul 07, 2024

Is retainment a correct term to use?

While not incorrect, retainment is rarely used and often perceived as outdated or less professional compared to retention.
Muazma Batool
Jul 07, 2024

How can retention be improved in a workplace?

Workplace retention can be improved through better engagement strategies, competitive benefits, career development opportunities, and a positive work environment.
Jul 07, 2024

What is student retention in education?

Student retention refers to educational institutions' ability to keep students enrolled from year to year or through the completion of their programs.
Jul 07, 2024

What role does memory retention play in learning?

Memory retention is crucial in learning as it determines how well information is preserved and recalled, influencing overall academic performance.
Jul 07, 2024

Is there a technical use for retention in engineering?

Yes, in engineering, retention can refer to the capability of a system to hold or contain fluids, preventing loss or leakage.
Jul 07, 2024

How does retention relate to customer loyalty?

Retention is directly linked to customer loyalty, as effective retention strategies ensure customers continue to prefer a company's products or services over competitors.
Jul 07, 2024

Can retention be used in reference to liquids?

Yes, retention can refer to the containment of liquids within a system, such as water retention in soil.
Muazma Batool
Jul 07, 2024

Why might someone use the term retainment?

Someone might use "retainment" in casual speech or writing due to unfamiliarity with the more correct and conventional term "retention."
Jul 07, 2024

What is the difference between retention and turnover?

Retention refers to keeping employees or customers, whereas turnover refers to the rate at which employees leave a company, showing the opposite dynamics of workforce stability.
Muazma Batool
Jul 07, 2024

Content Creators

Written by
Muazma Batool
As a content editor, Muazma Batool is not just a grammar guru but a creative mastermind who breathes life into every word. With an eagle eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, she transforms bland text into engaging content that captivates audiences and drives results.
Co-written by
Muneeza Rehman
At, Muneeza skillfully navigates the vast sea of information, ensuring clarity and accuracy as the lead content editor. With a keen eye for detail, she curates every comparison to enlighten and engage readers.

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