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Sympathy vs. Condolence: Difference and Comparison

Edited by Muazma Batool — By Muneeza Rehman — Published on February 5, 2024
Sympathy is a feeling of pity or compassion for someone's suffering, while condolence is an expression of sympathy, especially in the event of death.
Sympathy vs. Condolence

Difference Between Sympathy and Condolence

Sympathy and condolence are both sentiments that address pain, grief, and suffering, but they function differently in communication. Sympathy is a broader term that represents a feeling or understanding of another person's pain or sorrow. When someone expresses sympathy, they're essentially saying they can relate to or feel for another's emotional state. However, condolence is a more specific term that refers to the expression of sympathy, especially in response to someone's death.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 05, 2024
You might feel sympathy upon hearing a sad story, seeing someone go through a tough situation, or observing any event that evokes compassion. It's a genuine internal feeling of empathy and concern. While, condolence is what you might formally express or say to someone who has lost a loved one. It's a way to acknowledge the loss and provide comfort.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 05, 2024
The origin of the word sympathy is from the Greek "sympatheia," which means "shared feeling." This shared feeling can be towards any emotion or situation, be it happiness, sadness, or any other emotional state. On the other hand, condolence is derived from the Latin word "condolere," meaning "to suffer together." It's inherently linked with mourning and grief.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 05, 2024
In day-to-day language, sympathy is versatile and can be used in various contexts, whereas condolence is more specific, mostly reserved for bereavements. You'd express sympathy for a range of misfortunes – from minor inconveniences to major life events. Condolences, however, are expressions directed towards someone mourning a death.
Feb 05, 2024
Finally, while sympathy can be silently felt and not necessarily expressed, condolence by its nature requires conveyance. It's an action, whether verbal, written, or through gestures, to acknowledge and comfort someone in their time of grief.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 05, 2024

Sympathy vs. Condolence Comparison Chart


A feeling of compassion for someone's suffering
An expression of sympathy for a loss
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 05, 2024


Greek "sympatheia" (shared feeling)
Latin "condolere" (to suffer together)
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 05, 2024


Broader, any emotional state
Specific, typically death
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 05, 2024

Expression Requirement

Can be felt silently
Requires conveyance
Feb 05, 2024


Versatile in various situations
Mostly reserved for bereavements
Feb 05, 2024

Sympathy vs. Condolence Definitions


Sympathy is a feeling of compassion towards someone's misfortune.
Her heart was full of sympathy when she saw the homeless man.
Muneeza Rehman
Sep 06, 2023


Condolence can be a formal acknowledgment of grief.
The community sent a letter of condolence to the grieving family.
Muneeza Rehman
Sep 06, 2023


Sympathy is understanding and sharing another's emotions.
He felt sympathy for his friend's struggle with anxiety.
Muneeza Rehman
Sep 06, 2023


Condolence is an expression of sorrow for someone's loss.
She sent a card of condolence after hearing of his father's passing.
Muneeza Rehman
Sep 06, 2023


Sympathy can be an affinity or harmony between things.
There's a sympathy between the colors that makes the room feel cohesive.
Sep 06, 2023


Condolence is a demonstration of sympathy during bereavement.
Attending the funeral was a way to show her condolence.
Sep 06, 2023


Sympathy represents a shared feeling or sentiment.
Their sympathy for each other's challenges strengthened their bond.
Sep 06, 2023


Condolence is a gesture to comfort someone mourning a death.
Offering his condolence, he shared a story about the deceased.
Sep 06, 2023


A feeling of pity or sorrow for the distress of another; commiseration.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Condolence represents shared suffering in the face of death.
His words of condolence were heartfelt and sincere.
Sep 06, 2023


often sympathies An expression of such feeling
offered her sympathies to the mourning family.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Sympathy with a person who has experienced pain, grief, or misfortune
paid a visit of condolence to the grieving family.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Mutual understanding or feeling between people
"Like two frightened children, we sought at the same time to comfort one another, so quick was the sympathy between us" (Nicholas Meyer).
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


often condolences An expression or declaration of such sympathy.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Agreement with or support for an opinion or position
The mayor is in sympathy with the proposal.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


(uncountable) Comfort, support or sympathy.
There was not much to do after the accident but offer what condolence I could.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


often sympathies A tendency to support a position or opinion
a politician of conservative sympathies.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


An expression of comfort, support, or sympathy offered to the family and friends of somebody who has died.
I sent her a card expressing my condolences after her mother passed away.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


A relationship or affinity between things in which whatever affects one correspondingly affects the other
"Continuous measurements of ionospheric densities ... showed a variation of noon ionization in sympathy with sunspot activity" (E.V. Appelton).
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Expression of sympathy with another in sorrow or grief.
Their congratulations and their condolences.
A special mission of condolence.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


(Physics) A relation between bodies such that vibrations in one body cause sympathetic vibrations in another.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


an expression of sympathy with another's grief;
they sent their condolences
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


(Physiology) A relation between parts or organs by which a disease or disorder in one induces an effect in the other.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


A feeling of pity or sorrow for the suffering or distress of another.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


(in plural) The formal expression of pity or sorrow for someone else's misfortune.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


The ability to share the feelings of another.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Inclination to think or feel alike; emotional or intellectual accord; common feeling.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


(in plural) Support in the form of shared feelings or opinions.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Feeling of loyalty; tendency towards, agreement with or approval of an opinion or aim; a favorable attitude.
Many people in Hollywood were blacklisted merely because they were suspected of Communist sympathies.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


An affinity, association or mutual relationship between people or things such that they are correspondingly affected by any condition.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Mutual or parallel susceptibility or a condition brought about by it.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


(art) Artistic harmony, as of shape or colour in a painting.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Feeling corresponding to that which another feels; the quality of being affected by the affection of another, with feelings correspondent in kind, if not in degree; fellow-feeling.
They saw, but other sight instead - a crowdOf ugly serpents! Horror on them fell,And horrid sympathy.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


An agreement of affections or inclinations, or a conformity of natural temperament, which causes persons to be pleased, or in accord, with one another; as, there is perfect sympathy between them.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Kindness of feeling toward one who suffers; pity; commiseration; compassion.
I value myself upon sympathy, I hate and despise myself for envy.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


The reciprocal influence exercised by organs or parts on one another, as shown in the effects of a diseased condition of one part on another part or organ, as in the vomiting produced by a tumor of the brain.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


A tendency of inanimate things to unite, or to act on each other; as, the sympathy between the loadstone and iron.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Similarity of function, use office, or the like.
The adverb has most sympathy with the verb.
Fault,Acknowledged and deplored, in Adam wroughtCommiseration.
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


an inclination to support or be loyal to or to agree with an opinion;
his sympathies were always with the underdog
I knew I could count on his understanding
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


sharing the feelings of others (especially feelings of sorrow or anguish)
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


a relation of affinity or harmony between people; whatever affects one correspondingly affects the other;
the two of them were in close sympathy
Muneeza Rehman
May 03, 2023


Sympathy is an inclination to support or be loyal to someone.
Out of sympathy for her cause, he donated generously.
Muneeza Rehman
Sep 06, 2023

Sympathy vs. Condolence Frequently Asked Questions

Is it correct to say "I feel condolence for you"?

The more appropriate phrasing would be "I offer my condolences to you."
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 05, 2024

How is condolence used when someone passes away?

Condolence is an expression of sympathy directed at someone grieving a death.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 05, 2024

Can sympathy be for positive feelings too?

While sympathy typically relates to feelings of sorrow, it can also mean understanding or sharing any emotion.
Feb 05, 2024

How do you typically express condolence?

Condolences can be expressed through words, cards, gestures, or attending memorial services.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 05, 2024

Which word has a broader range of use?

Sympathy has a broader range of use, whereas condolence is more specific to situations of mourning.
Feb 05, 2024

Is condolence only related to death?

While condolence can be used more broadly, it's most commonly associated with expressing sympathy for someone's loss due to death.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 05, 2024

What does sympathy mean in emotions?

Sympathy is a feeling of compassion or understanding for someone else's pain or sorrow.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 05, 2024

Can you feel sympathy without expressing it?

Yes, sympathy can be silently felt without necessarily being expressed.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 05, 2024

Can you send a "sympathy card" for reasons other than death?

Yes, sympathy cards can be for various misfortunes, but condolence cards are specifically for bereavement.
Feb 05, 2024

How are sympathy and condolence different in action?

While sympathy can be a silent sentiment, condolence inherently involves an action or expression towards someone in mourning.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 05, 2024

Content Creators

Written by
Muneeza Rehman
At, Muneeza skillfully navigates the vast sea of information, ensuring clarity and accuracy as the lead content editor. With a keen eye for detail, she curates every comparison to enlighten and engage readers.
Edited by
Muazma Batool
As a content editor, Muazma Batool is not just a grammar guru but a creative mastermind who breathes life into every word. With an eagle eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, she transforms bland text into engaging content that captivates audiences and drives results.

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